
  • You’ll learn more if you type all the commands rather than just copy-paste them from this site. After the first few weeks, the tutorials will contain some typos so that the commands won’t work if you just copy-paste them.

  • If the software throws a bunch of errors at you, fix the first error first. Usually, the errors following it are just the result of this first error.

  • If your code produces an error, first check out the appendix. If that doesn’t work, go through your code line by line and explain to yourself out loud what your code is supposed to achieve and what each line actually does. This process is known as rubber duck debugging and it’s highly effective.

  • If you still run into difficulties, reduce your code to the minimum amount of code that still produces the error. This helps you identify exactly where the error occurs, making it easier for others to help you rectify the error. When asking for help, share this minimal example and its output.

  • Above all, don’t despair and be patient with yourself. My code rarely runs from the first go, it’s just that after doing this for years, I can iron out the most common glitches pretty quickly. And should you ever be stuck on a problem for a couple of hours, go for a walk, run, ride, beer, or whatever else floats your boat and return to the problem with a clear head another time.